Silver Tail Systems Blog

Preventing Online Fraud Through Web Session Intelligence

RSA Conference 2011 recap

Many of the things I noticed at RSA Conference this year were similar to what I’ve heard other people say.  1) It was busier than previous years.  2) There were a few more brands attending compared to previous years.  3) There was a bit less focus on cloud (which is a good thing).

The thing that struck me was the breadth of impacted verticals that attended this year.  In the sessions I hosted and in other venues I noticed more participation from some of the non-standard types of companies.  There were gaming companies, e-commerce companies, even shipping companies.  As I’ve been talking about for a while, the issues that RSA Conference discusses impacts these types of companies as much as it does financial institutions.

A frustration I have – the conference tends to focus on outdated threats.  At the eFraudNetwork someone said “I bet next year we’ll have a lot of talk about Man in the Mobile”.  But MitMo is here now!  The conference’s tactic on carefully vetting content is a good one, but given that you have to apply almost a year in advance means that it can be difficult to talk about anything new.

One other comment – in past years it seemed like “fraud” was the “f-word” at RSA Conference.  Starting last year, and even more so this year, there were quite a few discussions about fraud.  My belief is that fraud and security are actually fighting the same fight – one from the reconnaissance level, the other from the execution side – but in the end, the people who perpetrate security attacks are often the people who are perpetrating the fraud attacks as well.  It was great to see more joint conversations.

February 24, 2011 - Posted by | Fraud | ,

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